Today's Question Blog

What should Minneapolis Public Schools look for in a superintendent?

Led by Minneapolis NAACP President Nekima Levy-Pounds, protesters walked in front of the dais at the Minneapolis school board meeting Jan. 12, 2016, and demanded a do-over of the superintendent hiring process. Earlier that night, the board voted unanimously to not continue contract negotiations with Sergio Paez.

Now that the school board has terminated contract negotiations with Sergio Paez, it's unclear who will be the next superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools.

Paez, the former top choice, came under fire when a report came out alleging repeated abuse at a Massachusettes school system under his leadership.

The school board also voted Tuesday night not to restart a superintendent search.

What's next for the district remains to be seen.

Today's Question: What should Minneapolis Public Schools look for in a superintendent? And how should this search continue?