On health: 'This is the luckiest time yet to be alive'

'The Lucky Years' by David Agus
'The Lucky Years' by David Agus
Courtesy of Simon & Schuster

Constant headlines on the cost of healthcare may give some a pessimistic view of medicine, but Dr. David Agus has another message: This is the best time yet to be alive.

Shelving the insurance talk for a moment, Agus explains in his new book, "The Lucky Years," how advances in science have enabled people to live the healthiest lives possible.

Modern science has revealed the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise, and the Internet has spread this knowledge to more people than yearly checkups ever could.

"For the first time, we have at our disposal all the information we need to design our own health — and, in turn, the health of the planet," Agus writes. "Put simply, people living in the 21st century are the most fortunate of all previous generations."

Agus' book digs into the power of data collection to change your life for the better: Metrics can be key in making healthy lifestyle changes.

He also discusses the medical advances that once seemed like science fiction, but will soon be reality. Editing DNA? Growing organs? Prolonging fertility? These advancements are already here, and more are coming.

To hear the full discussion with Dr. David Agus on "The Lucky Years," use the audio player above.

The Lucky Years The Lucky Years