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Daily Digest: It’s a new day

Every Minnesota sports fan is asking, how do you miss that one? What a game! I'm still frozen, and I was in my living room the whole time. Oh well, back to reality and a look at the Digest:

1. The two-year federal tax break on medical devices could save the industry $5 billion. (MPR News)

2. Sergio Paez appears to lack necessary support to become the new leader of Minneapolis schools. (Star Tribune)

3. After warming up for seven years by questioning Barack Obama's birth certificate, Donald Trump is now turning the attack on Ted Cruz. (Washington Post)

4. This lead sentence pretty much says it all: "The Republican Party is facing a historic split over its fundamental principles and identity, as its once powerful establishment grapples with an eruption of class tensions, ethnic resentments and mistrust among working-class conservatives who are demanding a presidential nominee who represents their interests. (New York Times)

5. And what about the Democrats? Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are in tight races in both Iowa and New Hampshire. (NBC News)