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Daily Digest: Disparities in transit policing

Good morning and welcome to Friday. Let's dig into some interesting news.

1. The chief of Metro Transit Police says he has already started making changes after a report found that black and native people are cited and arrested at a significantly higher rate than white people.   (MPR News)

2. If you ever wondered what happens when the FBI suspects a member of your family of terrorism, it's something like this. (MPR News)

3. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz brought his presidential campaign to Minnesota. (MPR News)

4.  Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul say they don't like the new budget agreement that spends $1.1 trillion, but it looks like they were too busy campaigning for president to work at their day jobs to try to stop it from coming up for a vote in the Senate. (Politico)

5. The Democratic National Committee says someone on the Bernie Sanders campaign improperly took advantage of a computer glitch to look at confidential Hillary Clinton campaign data. As a result the Sander's campaign lost its access to a party voter list. (Washington Post)

The Digest is taking next week off to help Santa get ready for Christmas. I will be back on Dec. 28th. Have a great holiday!