Minnesota Senate GOP rejects move to new offices

Landscaping underway at the new Senate offices.
Landscaping work at the new Senate offices
Tim Pugmire | MPR News file

Minnesota's Senate Republicans have decided against moving into a new office building for at least another year.

Senate Minority Leader David Hann told The Associated Press on Thursday his members decided the relocation isn't worth the hassle. The decision to spurn the three-story, $90 million Senate building also tracks with the GOP's opposition to building it in the first place.

Hann says the caucus agreed last week that a move would be too disruptive and expensive for a 2016 session expected to last just 10 weeks. Next November's election could require lots of office changes, too, to account for new lawmakers or a change in majority.

Hann says Senate Republicans know of no tenant waiting for their current space in the State Office Building so there's less pressure to leave.