Minneapolis loses bid for 2020 college football championship game

Updated 2:53 p.m. | Posted 1:23 p.m.

It's true, you can't win 'em all.

Minneapolis came up short in its bid to host the 2020 national college football championship game at U.S. Bank Stadium. New Orleans won the bid.

College football officials made the announcement Wednesday. Atlanta will host the 2018 national championship game and Santa Clara, Calif., home of the NFL's San Francisco 49s stadium, hosts the 2019 college game.

Had Minneapolis won the 2020 game, it would have been a sports championship trifecta. U.S. Bank Stadium, future home of the Minnesota Vikings, has already been tapped to host NFL's Super Bowl in February 2018 and the 2019 Men's NCAA Basketball Final Four championship.

In fact, the lineup of those other big events played a factor in Minnesota's bid.

Bill Hancock, College Football Playoff Executive Director, said the group wasn't interested in being third in line to the Super Bowl and the Final Four. He said there was concern about "community fatigue" for national sporting events.

"Minneapolis put together a tremendous bid for this they have nothing to be ashamed of," he said. "It just didn't happen for them this time."