Climate Cast: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central

Ben Strauss, Vice President for Sea Level and Climate Impacts at Climate Central spoke with MPR News host Kerri Miller about his research that shows which U.S. cities are already "locked-in" for significant flooding due to rising sea levels.

In this case, "locked in" means that carbon already emitted will cause a certain amount sea level rise. Climate Central has also projected how much more sea levels will rise if emissions continue at their current pace and under a scenario of significant emission reduction.

Conversation highlights:

• The sea level is guaranteed to rise by 5'

• With aggressive cuts in carbon emissions sea level is expected to rise as little as 8' over time

• If current levels of carbon emissions continue sea level will rise 23' to 25' — possibly more

• China has the most people at stake of any country in the world, it has 1/4 of the worlds population on low-lying coastal land