Minn. woman revives student pledge against gun violence

Another mass shooting, another period of political hand-wringing over guns. At least that's how it feels to many Americans as both sides of the gun debate dig in their heels once again.

But one Northfield, Minn., woman is finding her voice in the gun debate, focusing on today's youth.

Mary Lewis Grow is a longtime advocate of gun violence prevention here in Minnesota.

She developed a student pledge against gun violence back in the '90s that took off on the national stage.

Schools from Chicago to New York City to here in Minnesota used the pledge to start conversations in the classroom about guns.

Grow stepped away from working actively on that campaign years ago. But after recent shootings, she started getting calls again from all over the country, and she's recommitting herself to the cause.

MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Grow about the pledge.