Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Spotty showers overnight, pushing 80 degrees Sunday

And the weather hits just keep on comin'.

In Minnesota there's a time to appropriately hype incoming storms that may threaten life, property and our general well being. We live in a rigorous climate. We love sour changing seasons. We even love a good inbound snowstorm and the anticipation of who will get how many inches.

There's also a time to sit back, enjoy, even celebrate a good run of glorious weather days. This is one of those seasons. After a few passing showers Thursday, get ready for another ultra glorious Minnesota October weekend.

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Edge of showers

Thursday's weathermaker passing across Minnesota is on the weak to moderate side. The system track through central Minnesota puts the best lift zone for significant rainfall totals north of the Twin Cities, favoring central and northern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin.

The next inbound warm front pushes east through the Dakotas Friday.

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Here's a look at forecast rainfall. The best chance of a half-inch or more includes Duluth and the North Shore into northern Wisconsin.

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Here's a closer focus on northern Minnesota courtesy of the Duluth National Weather Service office.

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October weekend glory

It's funny how the Weather Lab's incoming emails track the forecast. Weeks of cold and snow? String of steely gray damp days in fall and winter? Bad weather man.

Best summer in recent memory? Glorious string of near perfect weekends? You're the (weather) man!

Get those letter cards and flowers (and checks) in the mail. After a blustery Thursday with spotty showers, another remarkably beautiful weekend is on the way. Yes weather fans, timing is everything.

Sunny and 80 degrees on Sunday, Oct. 11?


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Weatherspark - NOAA GFS data

Late frost this year?

There's already been plenty of freezing nights across northern Minnesota this fall. Wednesday morning featured temps in the 20s and low 30s across most of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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Minimum temperatures Wednesday morning. NOAA via Meso West University of Utah.

Frost has already dotted many of the outer metro suburbs this fall. But the inner metro core inside the Interstate 494/694 freeway rings has mostly escaped frost so far. Looking at the maps, I don't see any real threat for a 32 degree temperature in the inner metro core for at least the next week.

The first real chance of freezing temps seems to lurk on the weekend of Oct, 17-18, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model. That's at least solid week later than average.

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NOAA GFS data via IPS Meteostar

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts seems to concur with all red numbers. How are your C to F conversion skills these days?

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Norwegian Met Istitute

Climate Generation Rochester event Monday evening

We had a great turnout two weeks ago at Will Steger's Climate Generation event in Mankato, Minn. I have been asked to do it again at the Heintz Center in Rochester, Minn., next Monday evening.

Here's your chance to hear some great perspective from a variety of speakers on climate changes in Minnesota, and on what innovations are unfolding. I will join Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede and others to talk about what we know about climate change in Minnesota, and how local communities are adapting and planning for future change.

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Here are more details on how to register for the Rochester event next Monday evening.

Hope to see you there!