Feds heading to Minnesota to talk ID cards

Federal officials will visit Minnesota next week to persuade state lawmakers to comply with ID card standards required by the federal government.

A failure to implement the standards could complicate air travel for Minnesotans as early as next year.

The Real ID Act of 2005 requires states to issue standardized ID cards and driver's licenses that include new technology. Critics have argued that the measures threaten privacy and state sovereignty, but most states have agreed to implement the new ID standards.

Minnesota is barred from implementing the new ID requirements by a state law passed in 2009. It's one of four states not compliant with Real ID Act requirements.

Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Phil McNamara will visit Minnesota Tuesday to meet with state officials and business leaders at the request of Gov. Mark Dayton, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.

Dayton said earlier this week that the state should comply with the ID requirements. He's urged the Legislature in the past to overturn the law that prevents Minnesota from complying with the program, and said he will again support the change during the coming legislative session.

The federal government has been phasing in requirements for the new IDs at federal facilities and nuclear plants over the last year. The final step could come as early as next year when the Transportation Security Administration will be able to require a Real ID-compliant ID to board a commercial flight.