The last girder for the gridiron

The final beam
Construction workers, including some Vikings enthusiasts, gathered to sign and document the final beam for U.S. Bank Stadium Thursday in Minneapolis. The project remains on schedule.
Brandt Williams | MPR News

Updated: 3 p.m. | Posted: 2:12 p.m.

Stormy weather delayed Thursday's scheduled raising of the final beam at U.S. Bank Stadium in downtown Minneapolis. Officials with Mortenson Construction said lightning posed a safety risk to the workers.

However, the delay did not dampen the spirits of Vikings co-owner Mark Wilf. Wilf said he's excited to see the construction get to this point.

Vikings co-owner Mark Wilf
Vikings co-owner Mark Wilf
Brandt Williams | MPR News

"This kind of moment, you take it in and you say 'Wow, this really — this dream of ours is becoming a reality,' he said. "And we're just so excited for everyone that's going to be able to enjoy it for many years."

Construction officials said the stadium is on schedule to be completed for the start of the Vikings' 2016 season. At this time next year, a green carpet of artificial turf will replace the mud that greeted visitors Thursday.

John Wood, senior vice president of Mortenson Construction, thanked a list of contractors and companies involved in the project. Then he asked the crowd to observe a moment of silence in honor of Jeramie Gruber, a 35-year-old roofer who fell to his death at the construction site last month.

Workers signed their names on the last beam. One of them was carpenter Jim Wells, who said he's looking forward to bringing his son to a football game and letting him know where he left his mark.

"Yep, I'll point it out to my son," he said. "I know right where it's going. Right there. It's pretty cool. It's an awesome thing to be a part of."

The stadium will be the site of the 2018 Super Bowl.