Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Tropical downpours, severe risk

Our morning gully-washers are a symptom of an unseasonably tropical air mass for mid-September.

Dew points hit 70 degrees overnight. That's overnight and early morning of Sept. 17. The nocturnal trigger for a line of slow moving storms that dumped 2 to 3 inches rainfall on a fairly small zone over St. Paul and some east metro suburbs.

Here's the storm total rainfall mode from Twin Cities Doppler on Weather Underground.

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The atmosphere will try and reload this afternoon from the metro east into Wisconsin. This morning's storms may limit heating, and that could push the highest severe risk east.

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Keep an eye out, and stay situationally aware as storms begin to re-fire this afternoon. Any severe threat shifts east by Friday as cooler air sweeps in.

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A few showers may linger into early Saturday, but the weekend trend looks brighter and sunnier. Another mostly fine weekend, and a spectacular Sunday.

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