Today's Question Blog

Did the GOP debate change your view of any of the candidates?

Washington pundits largely frame the debate as a strong performance by Carly Fiorina. Do you agree?

Politico's Mike Allen predicts, "Carly Fiorina - who bested Trump, showing she deserved her place on the main stage -- will soar past Ben Carson in post-debate polling."

The New York Times highlights policy differences:

The debate laid bare several policy differences among the candidates, on issues including the minimum wage (Ben Carson is open to an increase), drug policy (Rand Paul says the war on drugs “has gone too far”) and the specter of a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding. John Kasich expressed concerns. “I don’t think it’s going to work out,” he said. Ted Cruz accused Republican leaders in both houses of “preemptively surrendering.”

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza sums up the debate thusly:

Carly Fiorina was poised and well-versed, and Marco Rubio did extremely well. Scott Walker and Mike Huckabee? Not so much.

What is your take?

Today's Question: Did the GOP debate change your view of any of the candidates?