Today's Question Blog

Do you think the Iran deal is in the best interest of the U.S.?

"Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski announced Wednesday that she will support the Iran nuclear agreement, giving the White House the final vote needed to protect the accord from a Republican-led effort to defeat the measure," writes NPR's Brakkton Booker.

With her endorsement, Mikulski became the crucial 34th vote needed to sustain President Obama's expected veto should Congress pass a measure to block the agreement.

"Ever since the U.S. and its partners finalized the nuclear deal with Iran in July, Secretary of State John Kerry has tried to downplay what diplomats call the possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear program," reports NPR's Michele Kellemen.

"We're not fixated on Iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another. We know what they did," Kerry said this summer. "We have absolute knowledge with respect to the certain military activities they were engaged in. What we're concerned about is going forward."

Even supporters of the deal, though, say Kerry was overselling that point. The U.S. believes that Iran experimented with nuclear weapons components in the past. But Iran has stonewalled international inspectors in the past and the U.S. does not have "absolute knowledge," according to a former Obama administration official, Robert Einhorn.

Today's Question: Do you think the Iran deal is in the best interest of the U.S.?