Daudt: Black Lives Matter protesters 'incredibly disrespectful' to police

House GOP Minority Leader Kurt Daudt
Minnesota House GOP Minority Leader Kurt Daudt speaks to the media at a press conference Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2014, at the Capitol. Daudt is expected to run for Speaker of the House now that Republicans have the majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives.
File | Alex Kolyer / For MPR News

Minnesota Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt has joined the criticism of a chant heard Saturday during a Black Lives Matter protest outside the State Fairgrounds.

Some protesters were reportedly using the phrase "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon."

Police organizations said the chant was threatening. Daudt said in an MPR News interview Tuesday that the chant was "incredibly disrespectful." "I don't know exactly what they're trying to accomplish," Daudt told MPR News host Mike Mulcahy.

"I think all of us can agree that all lives matter," Daudt added. "If there are issues that are of concern, I and I think all elected representatives are certainly willing to listen and do what we can to adjust the laws, if there's an injustice. But ultimately I'm not sure that's what they're trying to accomplish."

Last week, DFL Governor Mark Dayton said the planned fair protest was 'inappropriate.' Black Lives Matter plans to protest Tuesday outside the governor's residence.