Ceiling fixed, First Avenue's main room reopens tonight

First Avenue
Part of the ceiling collapsed earlier in August at Minneapolis' legendary First Avenue nightclub. The venue's main room is set to open for a concert tonight featuring hip hop group GRRRL PRTY.
Kelsey | MPR

First Avenue's main room reopens Friday night for its first show since Aug. 12, when part of the music venue's ceiling collapsed during a concert.

"It's been a lot of work and I'm extremely proud of all our staff people here that have rolled with this," said Nate Kranz, First Avenue's general manager. "It kind of seems like a minor little miracle that we've been able to put all the pieces together in this amount of time."

The main room had to be shut down and concerts moved, cancelled or postponed after a 30 by 30 foot section of ceiling fell and injured three people during a concert by a Canadian metal band.

Kranz said the repair work is done and fans might even notice it's a little cleaner inside the landmark Minneapolis music club.

The local hip hop group GRRRL PRTY plays at 8 p.m.

"I'm really dying to see a bunch of customers in here," Kranz said. "I'm really hoping that people realize that we're open and we will sell out."