Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Aug-tober winds today, summer returns tomorrow

"Average" is a loose concept in Minnesota.

Ninety-four last Friday. Sixty-four today? Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Weather Extremes.

Our latest mixed monthly weather metaphor low-pressure system swirls toward Lake Superior today. Southerly flow kicks in behind the system tomorrow and summer returns.

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Rain forest

It's been another impressive rainfall as advertised. Here's a look at rainfall totals from our latest summer super soaker.

Photogenic storm

This has been a photogenic storm from the satellite perspective. Here's a look at the impressive GOES 1km visible image from this morning as the center of low pressure slides northeast from near the Twin Cities metro.

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NOAA via College of Dupage Weather lab

Here's a closer look at the low's passage as surface pressure bottomed out at MSP Airport overnight.

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Wind next

Behind the system, winds swirl in to fill the void. Look for gusts over 30 mph today spreading east across Minnesota. Lakes will be frothy with whitecaps this afternoon.

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Summer returns

Only in Minnesota can you get three seasons in one week. Fall today. Spring tomorrow. Summer Friday. It's tough for a (weather) guy to keep up.

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Weatherspark -NOAA GFS data

Steamy State Fair opening weekend?

You had to know this would happen. The overnight GFS model runs continue the trend of potentially steamy opening weekends of the Minnesota State Fair. The maps show a shift to southerly flow over Minnesota by next Friday. Hurricane Danny shows up off the East Coast.

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The GFS is still cranking out highs at or above 90 degrees by the weekend of Aug. 29.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar

Ice-cold lemonade, anyone?

Stay tuned.