Minnesota counties, Otto tangle over audits

The struggle over the authority of the state auditor's office continues across Minnesota.

A new law will allow counties to use other auditors for their annual financial reviews. In response to the law, State Auditor Rebecca Otto has asked counties for a three-year audit contract now — before the new law takes effect in 2016. Otto sent a letter detailing her request last month.

Julie Ring, executive director of the Association of Minnesota Counties, says her members are concerned about making such a commitment.

"We have a number of counties that have said all along that they intend to continue to work with the office of the state auditor," Ring told MPR News' Cathy Wurzer. "They like their audit team. They're comfortable with them and they want to continue to use those services. But even those counties are expressing concerns about being asked to sign a three-year agreement that essentially doesn't allow them to look at different options from year to year."

A statement from the state auditor says the contracts will mean consistency and efficiency for her office and the counties.