NFL, U win appeal of gun case involving off-duty cops

Updated: 2:15 p.m. | Posted: 1:25 p.m.

The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Monday rejected claims that the National Football League's ban on most firearms in stadiums violated a state law. The narrow decision overturns an earlier ruling by a lower court and sends it back for reconsideration.

The case stems from the NFL's policy banning firearms except when carried by on-duty law enforcement officers or security contractors. The University of Minnesota Board of Regents were also party to the suit because the Minnesota Vikings are playing at the school's TCF Bank Stadium until their own stadium is completed.

In December 2013, an off-duty Minneapolis police officer was required to surrender his firearm before entering the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association and Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis sued, arguing that banning off-duty officers from carrying guns in the facility violates the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act and "is unenforceable at any stadium in Minnesota."

A Hennepin County district court judge earlier this year ruled that the act does prevent property owners from excluding armed off-duty officers. But the Court of Appeals ruling says the statute does not clearly address the issue and can't be inferred to apply to off-duty officers.

The court said the decision is very narrow and applies just to this particular statute. It doesn't mean that off-duty officers carrying firearms can legally be excluded from stadiums. The case will return to the district court.