Minneapolis Institute of Arts wants you to call it 'Mia'

The Minneapolis Institute of Art
The Minneapolis Institute of Art
Photo courtesy of Alex Noriega

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts has announced that they're rebranding the century-old museum with a new name and logo.

Instead of M-I-A, museum officials now ask that you call it Mia (MEE-uh). And in more formal situations, it should be referred to as the Minneapolis Institute of Art, rather than the plural "arts."

Museum officials say the new nickname is an attempt to get away from the connotations of the museum's acronym "because of its long association with Missing in Action." They also point out that the word "mia" can mean "mine" in Spanish and other languages.

The museum's original designation as the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, plural, was because the original plan was to include a symphony, theater and other performing arts. But those plans never panned out, so dropping the "s" just "resolves a bit of history."

The name changes, as well as a new logo, were designed in partnership with brand consulting firm Pentagram over the year, according to the museum's post.