August is time for lakes and cabins -- and ticks

Tick nymphs
Blacklegged tick nymphs crawl around a test tube at an entomology lab at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. The ticks, which were sped up in the editing process to emphasize movement, are commonly referred to as deer ticks.
Jeffrey Thompson | MPR News

August is prime time for lakes and cabins across the state. With all those lazy days spent lounging in the grass or strolling through the woods, it's a good season for ticks.

We talk a lot each year about tick season: How to prevent tick bites, how many cases of Lyme disease have been diagnosed, etc.

But we dive in today on some the research going on more behind the scenes on ticks and tick-borne disease.

MPR News host Tom Weber talks to a state epidemiologist who monitors diseases transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes and a researcher at the University of Minnesota.