Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

A nice time of year

We typically enjoy some of our nicest summertime weather from mid July to late July. Long-lasting rains are rare this time of year, and we usually see quite a bit of sun.

But beware. In any given year,  Mother Nature can surprise us.  The greatest 24-hour rainfall in Twin Cities history occurred July 23-24, 1987. A whopping 10 inches of rain fell at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and a large portion of the metro area saw severe flooding. I remember video of canoes and kayaks on the flooded freeways as storm drainage systems were overwhelmed.

Your Tuesday won't feature any downpours.  In fact, you'll need your sunglasses. We'll enjoy low humidity and light winds, along with some comfortable high temperatures:


There aren't any big rains in our immediate future, but we could see scattered showers and storms Friday into Saturday.  Dew points will begin to creep up a bit on Thursday and it will feel a bit steamy from Friday through Sunday.