Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Hazy/smokey sunshine this afternoon; Sunday turns stormy

Smoke from the Canadian wild fires continues to dim the sunshine over Minnesota on this Holiday.  As the smoke mixes down from above it is reducing the visibilities at the surface level as well as lowering the air quality.

The filmy/wispy smoke is discernible as the milky gray on this satellite image.

Late morning visible satellite image:NOAA/College of Dupage

You can track the air quality from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

Quiet weather today and this evening should be dandy for Independence Day celebrations.  Late afternoon temperatures will be seasonal.

Temperature forecast for 4 p.m. CDT

A surge of very warm air rides southerly winds on Sunday.  At the same time dew points at the surface climb into the 60s.  Sunday afternoon and night are expected to be stormy with locally heavy rainfall.

Thunderstorms, with heavy rain are most likely overnight on Sunday and into Monday morning. Some of the storms late afternoon and evening on Sunday may be severe.

Severe weather threat is the highest in southwest Minnesota late Sunday and Sunday night.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's North American Model is painting the potential for a couple inches of rain from southwest through central Minnesota Sunday night through midday on Monday.

Accumulated rainfall potential through1 p.m. CDT Monday. Image:NOAA/College of Dupage

Made-man fireworks tonight will be replaced by nature's fireworks on Sunday night.  I'd hold over watering until we see what rain falls on Sunday night.