Running during Ramadan: Mohammad Zafar

Mohammad Zafar
Mohammad Zafar started the run club 30 Miles in Ramadan.
Courtesy of Mohammad Zafar

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food and drink — including water — from sunup to sundown. Perhaps not the ideal time to start a mile-a-day running club.

But that's exactly what Mohammad Zafar did.

After leaving the U.S. Marine Corps, Zafar had foot problems that prevented him from running. Wanting to ease back into a fitness routine, Zafar and his wife Sarah decided to embark on a one mile per day running routine. That was a couple weeks before Ramadan in 2013.

The growth of the idea since then has "been a lot of fun," said Zafar — who joined Tom Crann to talk about 30 Miles in Ramadan.