Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Thunderstorms pop across MN; be ready to seek shelter

Thunderstorms have already erupted this morning in the warm summer air mass. As we move through the peak heating hours this afternoon, thunderstorms are likely to increase in coverage and intensity.

Weather conditions are likely to change rapidly.

Note on this satellite image from 11 a.m. the thunderstorm heading toward Duluth-Superior.  More storms were forming north of Alexandria, Minn.

11 a.m. CDT satellite image from NOAA/College of Dupage

Smoke from upstream Canadian fires is shown dimming the sunshine in western Minnesota.

Here's a look at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's High Resolution Rapid Refresh model depicting the concentration of thunderstorms near the Twin Cities at 4 p.m.


We have a saying in the Target Field weather lab: "Storms have to start somewhere." Keep an eye to the sky.