Craft beer retailer Four Firkins closing this weekend

Craft beer retailer The Four Firkins is closing this weekend. Friday will be the last day of operation for the Oakdale store and Saturday is the last day for the St. Louis Park store.

In a blog post on the company's website, business founder Jason Alvey explained the reasons for the closure: "Due to increased competition from big-box retailers and grocery stores, as well as other factors (highway closures, Sunday sales laws), we are unable to continue to provide the high-quality, personalized retail experience we expect and our customers deserve."

The Four Firkins opened eight years ago in St. Louis Park and added the Oakdale store about a year ago.

In the past 10 years craft beer has exploded in Minnesota. The state is projecting the number of licensed breweries will rise to 111 in 2015, up from just five breweries a decade ago.

In the post, Alvey said the stores will only accept cash. Gift cards will not be accepted. Kegs can be returned to The Four Firkins or any liquor store that carries the beer.