Pedal Hub: Sizing up women cyclists

Leah Benson, owner of Portland's Gladys Bikes
Leah Benson, owner of Portland's Gladys Bikes.
Courtesy of Leah Benson

Going to a bike shop isn't always a pleasant experience, especially if you're a woman. Condescension, sexism, even harassment are still pretty pervasive.

It's created a business opportunity.

A growing number of 'women focused' bike shops are opening across the country, led by Gladys Bikes" in Portland.

The Pedal Hubbers spent some quality time with Gladys Bikes owner and Wisconsin native Leah Benson.

Leah shared her views on why sexism is still rampant in the bike industry, and her philosophy on how to serve female riders.

A lot of it has to do with finding the right fit.