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Dry today, watching Saturday storm chances

These are the days we live for in Minnesota.

Fresh northerly breezes. Comfy dew points in the 50s. Sunshine between puffy decorative clouds. Long evening twilight in the western sky pushing the start of your local 10 p.m. newscast.

Today brings a favorably dry early summer day across Minnesota. Another bubble of comfortable Canadian high pressure drifts toward Lake Superior.

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Weather eyes look west again Friday as the next troubled front pushes toward Minnesota by Friday night.

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Partly steamy weekend

Our dry day/wet day pattern continues into the weekend.

This is still early, but the best read right now on weather (and rain timing) this weekend is for the highest chances for rain and thunder Friday night overnight into Saturday morning and midday. If the models are right this far out (not a sure thing) there could be a clearing trend sometime Saturday afternoon.

Sunday looks probably dry and nice with highs in the 80s, but I still can't rule out a pop-up shower this far out.

Saturday could be a steam bath with high dew points in the mid to upper 60s. Sunday looks more comfy with dew points falling into the 50s.

Here's the  version of events heading into this weekend from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model.

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Summer heat builds next week

Summer has a way of creeping in unnoticed in Minnesota. One day it's sunny and fresh with comfortable humidity. The next, you're sweating and reaching for the air-conditioning switch.

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Look for a noticeable increase in humidity by Saturday as a muggy air mass gurgles north. We get a brief respite Sunday with lower dew points before the Gulf surge returns next week. A string of highs in the 80s and dew points in the mid and upper 60s may have you reaching for a cool drink.

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I worked operational meteorology for some big electric utilities in Chicago back in the day. Electric power demand increases dramatically as dew points rise above 65 degrees. Your body just can't evaporate sweat as easily when it's that muggy.

Listen for a chorus of air conditioners next week.