Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Pretty good weekend

Walk between the raindrops. Good weather advice. Great life advice.

Minnesota walks between raindrops most of this weekend. The weather maps look a littler kinder. A few hours of sun. A stray rain shower on the horizon? Not too hot. Not too cool -- your air conditioning and furnace in a deep slumber.

Not bad for a weekend in the month of June where the forecast can be anything from 90 degree heat to torrential downpours.

A Goldilocks weekend forecast?

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Threading the needle?

Minnesota threads the proverbial weather needle between two weather systems this weekend. System No. 1 clips southeast Minnesota Saturday and Saturday night. System No. 2 edges into the Red River Valley Sunday.

The metro may get lucky, and ride the (mostly) dry zone in between most of the weekend.

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We mix in sunshine, clouds and a slight shower chances this weekend. Pick your spots and you'll get those outdoor activities in just fine.

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Temps in the 60s and 70s mean good human comfort, but you'll notice the dew point creeping up to the sticky 60-degree threshold by Sunday.


Next week looks to alternate between dry and wet. Typical June. I'm kicking the Doppler to try and work on moving rain chances out of next weekend.

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Stay tuned.

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Seeley: Hot Tuesday

Mark Seeley details our first 90(and nearly 100) degree day of 2015 in this week's Weather Talk.

Topic: Record Temperatures

Tuesday, June 9th brought southerly winds, plenty of sunshine and the warmest temperatures across the state since July of last year. Over 50 Minnesota climate stations reported daily high temperatures of 90°F or greater. topped by 99°F at a few locations. Some communities tied or set new high temperature records, including:

99°F at Madison

97°F at Marshall

96°F at Minnesota City Dam

96°F at La Crosse, WI

95°F at Sioux Falls, SD (tied record)

93°F at Rochester (tied record)

98°F at Browns Valley

Large hail and thunderstorm winds up to 60 mph came with a few thunderstorm cells on Tuesday, June 9th as well. Portions of Stevens, Lincoln, Yellow Medicine, and Sherburne Counties reported hail of 1 inch diameter or greater, and wind gusts over 60 mph were reported from Murray and Stearns Counties.

An odd spike in evening dew point occurred at both St Paul and Red Wing about 7pm in the evening. Following brief showers in both communities the dew point soared to 70°F at the University of Minnesota St Paul Campus, and climbed to 69°F at Red Wing along the Mississippi River, making the outside air briefly feel like a steam bath. These values were close to record high dew points for the date and occurred near the time of the collapse of the daily boundary layer in the atmosphere when the vertical mixing depth begins to shrink.

Disappearing drought

This is what 7"+ of rain did to Minnesota in the past 2 months.

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Confronting Climate Change: Science Museum of Minnesota event Tuesday evening

You may want to head out the the Science Museum of Minnesota next Tuesday evening for a special event. World renowned climate expert Dr. Ben Santer, Arctic explorer Will Steger and other speakers present Tuesday evening.

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Here's more from the Science Museum of Minnesota.

Confronting Climate Change: Science, Education and Solutions is a free public forum that will take place in the auditorium from 7-9 p.m, Tuesday, June 16. One of the keynote presenters will be Dr. Ben Santer—a MacArthur genius awardee for his international climate change science leadership. Also presenting will be Frank Niepold, who develops and implements NOAA's climate education and outreach efforts. Ben and Frank will be followed by several local perspectives on climate science, education and policy options.

In case you missed the broadcast I spoke with Dr. Santer about the event on this week's Climate Cast. We also profiled the record start to the 2015 Pacific hurricane season with hurricane expert Dr. Jeff Masters from the Weather Underground.