Private budget talks make it tough to know all the issues

Governor Dayton says he will veto education bill
Gov. Mark Dayton, with Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, talked about the 2015 legislative session Tuesday, May 19, 2015, at the Veterans Service Building in St. Paul.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News

The stalemate over the state budget continues.

With the clock ticking toward a partial government shutdown on July 1, DFL Gov. Mark Dayton and House Republicans have no meetings scheduled.

The hang-up between the two sides centers on the role of the state auditor. House Republicans say counties should be able to hire private firms to audit their financials but Dayton says the state auditor should have the sole authority to do it.

MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with Minnesota Public Radio reporter Tom Scheck about the latest on budget negotiations, which have been taking place behind closed doors.