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Showers, Stones and Mr. Jimmy

"You can't always get what you want." - Mick Jagger

But if the weather maps verify, Rolling Stones fans might get what we need Wednesday night.

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Wednesday night's Stones show at The Bank?

It's literally a roll of the tumblin' weather dice. Most models favor a break in rainfall for the Twin Cities Wednesday evening. But I can't rule out a nagging 30 percent chance that a stray thundershower will drift over TCF Bank Stadium sometime Wednesday evening. A few scattered "Hit or Miss You" storms could redevelop on the Doppler. Throw the rain gear in the car just in case.

Rock and Roll legend born in Excelsior?

It's probably the best local urban legend in the Twin Cities.

I grew up near Excelsior in the 1960s and 70s. Our family spent every 4th of July at the Excelsior Amusement Park and stayed all day to watch fireworks at night.

Excelsior Amusement Park in 1949. Image via Minnesota Historical Society.

I met Mr. Jimmy Hutmaker many times. If you walked the streets of Excelsior during the 60s, 70s or 80s, you ran into the always engaging Mr. Jimmy. When the Stones played Reggie's Danceland in 1964, many say they were not well received. Sleepy buttoned-downed suburban Minnesota was not ready for the British Invasion just yet. That would be the sound track of my generation.

Local urban legend tells the story of Mr. Jimmy standing in line with Mic Jagger at the Excelsior (Chelsea) Bacon Drugstore in 1964.  My former WCCO-TV colleague Tom Steward filed this piece when I was with WCCO in 1994.

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Mr. Jimmy Hutmaker. Via WCCO-TV

Here's another account of Mick's supposed encounter with Mr. Jimmy from lakeminnetonka.com.

"You can't always get what you want." - Jimmy Hutmacher to Mick Jagger, Bacon Drug, Excelsior, June 12, 1964

There is one other local legend related to the Rolling Stones and their first and only visit to Lake Minnetonka that cannot be ignored. The story goes that on the day when the Stones were in town, Mick Jagger ventured over to Bacon Drugstore, in Excelsior, and couldn't find whatever he was looking for. He voiced his frustration and local resident Jimmy Hutmacher overheard Jagger, so he said to him, "You can't always get what you want." This line would later be immortalized in a Rolling Stones song by that title. Locals say that if you read the lyrics, Jimmy Hutmacher is mentioned very clearly in the song. Jimmy's brother Ralph, who once played in Danceland's house band, and who is still around today, swears that what Jimmy said is true. True or not, it's one hell of a great legend.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good urban legend?

Next low slides through

Here's the system that brings rain Wednesday. We'll be Doppler watching to see if showers clear the Twin Cities by Wednesday evening.

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Partly wet weekend?

This is why so many Minnesota graduation parties end up in the garage. I don't expect a washout this weekend, but scattered shower chances will be around. Typical June.

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Weatherspark- NOAA GFS output

MPR severe weather tip sheet

It's that time of year. Brush up on your severe weather skills with the MPR's Top 10 Tornado Safety Tips.

MPR severe wx tips

Summer takes hold next week?

Next week looks simply spectacular at this point. Building high pressure pushes a wedge of warmer than average air from the northern Rockies toward the Upper Midwest next week.

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A string of sunny days with low humidity and high in the 80s?

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Weatherspark - Euro (ECMWF) Output

Start me up.