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Summer arrives early this year?

It's not your imagination.

It feels more like July out there than late May this afternoon. Evidence of an early spring and summer in Minnesota in 2015? By some measures Spring 2015 arrived 3 to 7 weeks earlier vs. last year.

Submitted for your approval.

  • March 15 - First 70 degree temp in 2015 at MSP Airport

  • April 9 - First 70 degree temp in 2014 at MSP

  • April 1 - First 80 degree temp in 2015 at MSP

  • May 24 - First 80 degree temp in 2014 at MSP

  • 3 to 7 weeks - earlier for first 70 and 80 degree temps in the Twin Cities vs. last spring

April 2015 was a full 7 degrees warmer than last April in the Twin Cities this year. The tulips, grass, lakes and the spring in your step are real this year.

Today we step forward into July.

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As skies give way to sunshine today our unseasonably mild air mass cranks up. 83 degrees at MSP? That's the average high for the 4th of July. A weak upper air disturbance passing overhead brings a slight chance of a few isolated PM thunderstorms.

Sounds like summer to me.

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Weatherspark - NOAA GFS output

Maps tell the story in weather. We spend today between low pressure systems. The next low rides into Minnesota tomorrow, pushing green blobs of rain and thunder our way once again by late Thursday into Friday morning.

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Our transition from drought to partly soggy is nearly complete. My partner in weather crime fellow MPR and Minnesota Twins meteorologist Craig Edwards reports 1.4" of rain at Target Field Tuesday. Nearly that much fell on Minnehaha Creek in south Minneapolis with 1.2" in the past 48 hours.

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Rains with the next system look potent once again. Another inch or more on the way for much of southern Minnesota?

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Cool but sunny weekend

This weekend may be one of the best for a while if you like it pleasantly cool, sunny and mostly bug free. Canadian high pressure noses in one more time with temps in the 60s and dew points in the comfy 40s.

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Weatherspark - NOAA GFS Output

Early summer?

Longer term trends continue the notion of early unseasonable warmth. Temps in the 80s appear likely to return as June opens next week. A nagging thunder threat lurks as well by the middle of next week. Here's the GFS 16-day product. Grain of salt required.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar

Of course I'm watching the chances for rain next Wednesday evening as the Stones grace TCF Bank Stadium.

I stood gleefully in the pouring rain with 40,000 friends at U2 in 2011.

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TCF Bank crowd awaits U2 and pouring rain in July 2011. Paul Huttner/MPR News

A soggy Minnesota repeat is not out of the question for the Stones next week. Perhaps the legend of Mr. Jimmy will bring dry skies and keep most of the rain north. Weather fingers crossed.

My weather spidey senses tell me we're in for our fair share of 90-degree plus heat this summer.

Stay tuned.