
9 things to love about the PedalPub attack news story

1. No one was hurt.

Yes, someone could have been hurt.  Yes, it’s wrong. But no one was hurt, so we can all relish this rare story.

2. The silly crime.

A group of cyclists who dislike the PedalPubs organized a group to douse several of them with water guns and balloons.

3. The dumb criminals.

The people who organized the PedalPub prank planned it on Facebook. That tipped off the police, according to the Star Tribune.

4. The plan gone awry.

Six off-duty Burnsville police officers were aboard one of the PedalPubs.

5. The retaliation.

One of the attacks was stopped by passengers who jumped off and held the PedalPub assailants until the police arrived. A cyclist can be heard yelling on a YouTube video, “I don’t even have a water bottle!”

Videos show that the response was physically intense, which led to the accusation that the off-duty police officers used excessive force.

6. Big-time charges.

The six people who were arrested face charges of terroristic threats, assault and disorderly conduct.

7. The demand for a full investigation.

Burnsville’s police chief is demanding a full investigation from the Minneapolis police.

8. This quote:

“We were lucky enough it was water but it could have been bleach, gasoline, urine," said Zach Howland.

9. Descriptions of a “Mad Max style attack.” Really?