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Postcard weather through Friday, mixed bag weekend

It doesn't get any better than this. Blue skies, warm sunshine, light winds. No bugs.

San Diego with lakes. And pronto pups.

Our weather pattern through tomorrow is nothing short of spectacular. Welcome to how May in Minnesota is meant to be.

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Mixed Memorial Day weekend

You're right, I was selling a bit above. It figures we'd get two glorious day just before the big Memorial Day weekend, then watch the next low pressure system spin this way with scattered rains.

I'm just the weatherman.

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There are still significant forecast model differences on coverage and timing of rainfall this weekend.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model pushes scattered rains into Minnesota as early as Saturday afternoon. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model is slower and less enthusiastic about rainfall coverage this weekend.

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I am leaning toward keeping scattered showers in this weekend. There will be many dry hours, but you may have to dodge a few downpours as well.

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