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Drought busted; stunning Friday

The rain in May falls mainly on Maple Plain?

Okay, that was lame. But significant May rainfall has busted drought in a good chunk of Minnesota. Severe drought has been wiped out in Minnesota, falling from about 35 percent last week to zero percent this week. Moderate drought coverage shrank from roughly 92 percent to 50 percent in this week's update.

Thursday's U.S. Drought Monitor Update tells the tale.

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service shows rainfall totals of 2 to 6 inches or more across the Dakotas and Minnesota over the past 14 days.

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University of Minnesota climate expert and MPR News contributor Mark Seeley elaborates on specific rainfall totals in this week's Weather Talk. Mark has more at 6:45 a.m. Friday with Cathy Wurzer on MPR News.

Here's an exclusive preview for Updraft readers.

Topic: Significant rainfall

May 17-18 brought significant rainfall to many areas of the state. Many observers reported amounts ranging from 0.50 inches up to 1.50 inches. A number of observers reported newly daily record rainfall amounts. Some of the record amounts on May 17th included: 1.45 inches at Brainerd, 2.33 inches at Montevideo, 2.19 inches at Moorhead, 1.58 inches at Pine River Dam, 1.76 inches at Winnebago, 1.75 inches at Cass Lake, 2.75 inches at Collegeville, 2.48 inches at Vesta, 3.22 inches at Morris, 2.33 inches at Hancock, and 3.65 inches at Lake Wilson. Then more climate stations received record setting daily rainfall on May 18th,

including: 2.10 inches at Hallock, 1.95 inches at Warren, 1.56 inches at Hancock, and 1.91 inches at Ottertail.

May total rainfall is significantly above normal now for several Minnesota climate stations, including:

6.21" at Moorhead

5.07" at Georgetown

5.98" at Artichoke Lake

6.48" at Cass Lake

5.32" at Park Rapids

5.00" at Pokegama Dam

4.53" at Kabetogama

6.72" at Morris

6.61" at Montevideo

5.61" at Ottertail

5.22" at Collegeville

5.92" at Kimball

5.19" at St Cloud

6.34" at Lake Wilson

As a result of the wetter than normal May for many climate stations, the overall extent of drought in the state has diminished considerably. Severe drought which encompassed nearly 35 percent of the state landscape last week has completely disappeared, while the area of the state in moderate drought declined from 92 percent of the state landscape to just 50 percent this week.

Springtacular Friday, mixed weekend

With fading drought we enjoy Friday's sunshine guilt free. Bright sun, a deep spring blue sky as temperatures push into the 70s again by Friday afternoon.

The big Memorial Day weekend? A mixed affair. It's not a washout, but we play weather dodge ball with a few hours of scattered showers and thundershowers around this weekend.

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Here's another breakdown on the most likely timing of showers this weekend from the Twin Cities office of the National Weather Service.

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Enjoy Friday!