Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Warming trend ahead

Get ready for warmer days.

The coldest morning in May so far produced temps in the 30s across most of Minnesota today. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport bottomed out at 37 degrees.

519 lows
Lows this morning via Meso West



735 AM CDT TUE MAY 19 2015

Values represent highs yesterday...Lows over the last 12 hours

and precipitation over the last 24 hours

ID Location temp temp Pcpn fall depth

DLH : Duluth : 51 / 33 / 0.04/ T / 0

INL : International Falls : 41 / 28 / 0.13/ T / M

MSP : Minneapolis MN : 48 / 37 / T / 0.0/ 0

RST : Rochester MN : 50 / 35 / T / M/ M

STC : St Cloud MN : 47 / 30 / T / 0.0/ 0

AXN : Alexandria MN : 40 / 34 / T /

GNA : Grand Marais : 48 / 34 / 0.10/

HIB : Hibbing : 53 / 31 / 0.06/

RWF : Redwood Falls MN : 44 / 34 / T /

One more cold night arrives tonight. An arc of frost is likely once again just north of the metro.

519 msp

The late May cold is not that unusual. The last time temps dipped to 32 degrees at MSP Airport this year was April 23. The average date for the last 32 degree temp in spring at MSP is April 29.

1512 frost
MN Climate Working Group

My read of the maps is that should pretty much do it for any frost threat this spring. Go ahead and plant those Supertunias after tomorrow morning.

Dry week ahead

We dry out this week thanks to a blob of high pressure sagging south from Canada.

519 allfcsts_loop_ndfd (1)

Temps moderate and sunshine increases as the week progresses.

519 kky
Weatherspark- NOAA GFS output

Saturday still looks like the best day of the Memorial Day weekend. If you can front load the weekend and include Friday, do it.

519 sat
Weatherspark - Euro output

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System is hinting at a warmer solution this weekend. Stay tuned for possible forecast changes (improvements?) for the upcoming weekend forecast.

Weather fingers and toes crossed.