Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Soggy today, weekend severe storms possible


That's today's forecast in a word. Waves of green and yellow ride north on the Doppler today. By the time the last few drops fall late tonight, rain gauges will tally a half-inch to 1 inch in many Minnesota towns.

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Today's weather culprit or hero depending on your perspective is another strong low pressure storm riding north. Today's system rides east as we come up for air tomorrow. Another low pushes east from the Rockies this weekend.

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100 percent chance of rain

It's not often we're that categorical about rain chances. Today is one of those days. If you don't get measurable rainfall today, there might be a Teflon dome overhead.

We catch a break with a pretty decent Friday before the next low brings more rain and thunderstorms this weekend.

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The weekend system looks potent. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center paints severe weather risk zones over Minnesota both Saturday and Sunday.

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Here's another look at rainfall potential with the next two shots of rain.

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Iowa State University

The rains will further ease drought conditions across Minnesota. This morning's U.S. Drought Monitor update shows a slight drop in the percentage of drought zones in Minnesota thanks to last weekend's soaker.

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