Pedal Hub: Mpls + STP = bike cities!

Pedal Hubbers
From left, co-host Patrick Stephenson, co-host Gene Oberpriller, co-host Amber Dallman, Minneapolis City Council Member Lisa Bender and St. Paul City Council President Russ Stark.
Chris Roberts | MPR News

Two big Twin Cities biking proponents also happen to be prominent local politicians--Minneapolis City Council member Lisa Bender and St. Paul City Council President Russ Stark. Guess what? Pedal Hub nabbed them both!

We'll hear Ms Bender and Mr. Stark in a free-flowing conversation rich in personal bike history, bike infrastructure topics and issues related to the future of cycling in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

How do we grow the number of cyclists on the streets?

Are we going to get another bike super highway like the Greenway?

Can we amend a few rules of the road to make it easier on people who bike?

'30 Days of Biking' diehards with their mouths stuffed with pastries want to know!