Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Northern Lights dazzle, rapid weather changes

Skies lit up over eastern Minnesota and Wisconsin last night. A brief but vivid aurora dazzled onlookers.

The sky show was visible as far south as Illinois.

The Northern Lights were hidden behind an advancing cloud deck across much of central and western Minnesota, including the Twin Cities.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters estimate a 60 percent chance of another event that could linger into this evening.

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Meanwhile here on earth

Scattered showers zip through central Minnesota, but stay north of the metro this morning. Some sunny breaks may increase this afternoon from the Twin Cities south.

The jet stream is active overhead steering weather systems through Minnesota. Thursday's weathermaker looks impressive. Several hours of rain is likely Thursday.

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Here's another look at the low spinning in tomorrow.

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Rainfall totals look solid, another third to half an inch-plus for much of Minnesota?

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Thursday's low pressure system pushes east by Friday. Friday's looks nicer with some sun behind the system and temps in the upper 60s. Storm chances grow again Saturday.

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Weatherspark - Euro (ECMWF) output

The timing on precipitation, and the resulting high temperature Saturday are still in question. Stay tuned as forecast models gain some increased resolution closer to the event.