Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Dry fishing opener, Saturday best weekend day

Saturday looks like a good day to plant something for Mom. She can watch it get watered in after you take her to Sunday brunch on Mother's Day.

We're in between weather systems Friday and Saturday in Minnesota. A steady stream of boat trailers heads north and west Friday in the exodus along Interstate 35 and I-94. The Land of 10,000 Lakes is open for business once again.

Christmas in May. It's fishing opener.

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The first part of the weekend looks best for wetting a line and dumping the boat in your favorite walleye lake. Friday and Saturday look dry right now, and increasingly sunny as you go north.

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Welcome wetter pattern?

Our pattern is more active these days. That's good news for a state that's pushing 95 percent drought coverage.

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The maps tell the story. Thursday's rainmaker pushes east. Drier high pressure noses south from Canada Friday and Saturday. Low pressure reloads over Colorado spreading showers and storms into Minnesota for Mother's Day.

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Boaters on the lakes enjoy dry skies and north to northeast winds Friday and Saturday. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts is optimistic about temperatures near 70 degrees Saturday afternoon. I concur.

Sunday looks downright raw, a gusty east wind and periods of rain with temperatures in the upper 50s. Indoor brunch mom?

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Weatherspark- Euro output

Yes we need the rain. And yes mom, I wish the timing was better.