Neko Case warns against recording her concerts

Neko Case
Alt-country singer-songwriter Neko Case posed for a portrait in promotion of her album, "The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You," on Tuesday, July 9, 2013, in New York.
Dan Hallman | Invision via AP 2013

Today's Morning Edition music is from Neko Case with "Man," a song off her latest album "The Worse Things Get, the Harder I Fight, the Harder I Fight, the More I Love You."

She will be performing Friday night at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul.

If you're going to the show, be advised that you might want to leave your cellphone in your pocket. At a show on Saturday in Portland, Ore., Case asked the audience not to shoot video of the concert. When one person in the balcony refused to comply, Case ended the show early, skipping the planned encore.