Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Sunnier days return; warm and stormy early May?

These are the days we are reminded the only thing between the Arctic Circle and Minnesota is a barbed wire fence at the Canadian border.

Minnesota's mid-continental, relatively flat geography means there are no mountain ranges or oceans nearby to moderate our climate. Air masses sweep freely across the Upper Midwest. This time of year we can go from humid air that was over the Gulf of Mexico, to a brisk Siberian breeze in just a couple of days.

Our official state motto should read, "The State of Weather."

Seriously, how many different warning types can you put on one map?

What next? A "locust swarm warning" tomorrow?

Forecast mellows

Our forecast improves the next few days. Less wind and more sun are a good start. High pressure noses in over Minnesota and bumps the stalled Hudson Bay low east.

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Temperatures gradually moderate this week. I still think 60 degrees is a good bet on Sunday afternoon.

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Much warmer next week?

The forecast maps have been all over the place for next week. The latest European model run locks onto a much warmer pattern next week. More sun, 60s to 70s and another shot at 80 degrees again next week?

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Stormy start to May?

The longer range Global Forecast System runs support the notion of a warmer, and stormier pattern as we make the turn into May. I get nervous about wrapped up low pressure systems over Minnesota on the 50th anniversary of the infamous 1965 Twin Cities tornado outbreak.

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The GFS 16-day output has hinted at the notion of a thundery start to May the past few runs. It's got my attention.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar

Time to tune up the weather radio?

Stay tuned.