Counter Stories: Race with your coffee?

People use their laptop computers at a Starbucks in Washington, DC, on May 9, 2012. The Seattle-based company is trying to launch a conversation on race with its customers called "Race Together."
Jewel Samad | AFP | Getty Images 2012

Starbucks is trying to launch a conversation on race with its customers, but does it really know what that entails?

The company says it's moving ahead with its "Race Together" campaign, even though at least one component generated controversy. It required baristas to engage customers on race and social justice issues while filling their beverage orders. According to the company, that phase of the campaign is now over.

Many in the Counter Stories crew have vast experience as racial equity, sensitivity and 'implicit bias' trainers. So they have well-formed opinions on the environments these conversations need to happen in, how they're conducted, and how people respond once they're in them.

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