Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Scattered thunder, more wind but cooler Thursday

Record high temperatures. Severe wind gusts. Scattered thunderstorms with hail. Large brush fire smoke plumes showing up on Doppler?

Cue the locusts.

Our windy, wild Wednesday rearranged the record books.

  • 84 degrees: Record high temperature at MSP Airport Wednesday

  • +34 degrees vs. average: High temperature Wednesday

  • April 19: Average date of first 80 degree temperature in the Twin Cities

The record temperatures and low humidity triggered high fire danger and numerous brush fires. This fire west of the metro produced a smoke plume large enough to show up on Doppler west of the metro.

Wind gusted over 50 mph Wednesday at several location including the metro.

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Thunder threat

Scattered showers and thunderstorms have been slow to develop with limited moisture and dew points in the 30s near the surface. As higher dew points stream north, expect storms to increase tonight.

-Latest Twin Cities Doppler radar loop

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Cooler breezes ahead

Our record temperatures won't last. Colder breezes blow Thursday as the next series of cold fronts arrive.

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Temperatures remain above average into the weekend. A cold rain system appears ahead for next Monday. Models are still working out temperatures for this one, but we can definitely use the moisture.

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