Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Double risk: Grass fires and strong storms

Gusty winds and relatively low humidity this afternoon set the stage for potential grass fires before showers arrive.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center paints a rather large area of the country at risk for grassland fires today.


Water levels are very low in ponds and creeks.  This location is an overflow pond that is exceptionally dry for this time of year.

Holding pond near Purgatory Creek in Eden Prairie. Photo:Craig Edwards MPR News

Winds will gust to over 35 miles per hour through the middle of the afternoon as warm air surges into Iowa and Minnesota. The thermometer may register 80 degrees in south central Minnesota today.


During the peak of afternoon heating, an advancing cool front will ignite strong thunderstorms in western Iowa and southwest Minnesota.


Some of the thunderstorms around dinnertime could produce hail and strong winds. The Storm Prediction Center has outlined a risk for severe storms nosing into Minnesota.

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Risk for strong winds and hail this afternoon and evening. Image:NOAA Storm Prediction Center

We closed out March with delightful sunshine and rather mild temperatures. Farmers would welcome a nice rainy day.

Precipitation departure from normal March 1 to March 30,2015. Image:Midwest Regional Climate Center

NOAA's Weather Prediction Center shows the potential for rainfall totals of more than a half-inch, with the stronger storms in southwestern Minnesota.


Showers exit the state later this evening and cooler air returns.  Brisk west winds are on tap again for Thursday. Locations that miss out on showers today and this evening will have a risk of grass fires on Thursday. Winds will gust to over 30 mph Thursday afternoon.


The NOAA Climate Prediction Center refreshed its outlook for April yesterday. The transition from winter to spring is very difficult to predict, both in the short term and long term.


There may be opportunities in our region for precipitation next week, but as you can see, the odds favor near or somewhat below precipitation for the next 30 days.