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Accumulating snow likely in central and SE Minn. Sunday

Updated 11:10 a.m. | Posted 7:49 a.m.

A burst of vertical motion in the middle layer of the atmosphere will produce a band of snow through Minnesota Sunday into the nighttime hours.

Currently, we believe the heaviest Minnesota accumulation will fall in a band from Willmar through Jordan and Rochester. The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory that includes the Twin Cities, St. Cloud, and Rochester.

The blue cloud tops show the moisture thickening this morning in the Dakotas.  This system will track east and southeast today.  The heaviest snowfall is expected later this afternoon and evening.

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Infrared satellite image from 530 a.m. CDT. Image:NOAA/Unisysweather

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather Prediction Center paints a swath where 4 inches or more of accumulation may occur by late this evening.

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At 11 a.m., the Twin Cities National Weather Service expanded the winter weather advisory region:

You can track the latest weather forecast and snowfall reports from the Twin Cities National Weather Service office.

Snowfall totals are expected to be in the 2 to 6 inch range by midnight. Temperatures above freezing may result with rain mixing with snow for a period of time. Be prepared for changing travel conditions Sunday.

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Shortly after daybreak, weather radar showed precipitation in the mid layer of the atmosphere. Most of this snow was not yet reaching the ground. As the lower layers saturate with moisture, snow will begin to accumulate later this morning.

Radar screen capture at 720 a.m. CDT. Image:Wundeground.com

Welcome moisture could total more than a half inch in southeast Minnesota through the evening. High temperatures will creep close to 40 degrees  on Monday and melting will commence.

We are watching another weather system for Tuesday  and Wednesday.