Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Bottoming out Thursday, Friday clipper

This is what winter looks like in Minnesota.

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Icy Duluth Harbor. Lake Superior Maritime Museum webcam.

The core of the coldest air slides over Minnesota into Thursday morning. Temps once again dip to near minus 10 in the metro and minus 20s up north.

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Wind chills won't be as bad as Wednesday, but it's still plenty cold out there for a Thursday morning.

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Friday clipper

Temps moderate Friday as the next Alberta clipper sails southeast.

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Right now Friday's clipper track lays down a swath of snow from the metro north. The early look at totals suggest an inch or so give or take for the metro, with up to 3 inches north and east.

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NOAA GFS snowfall via wxcaster.com
218 r
Iowa State University

Stay tuned.