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Cold now, but mild meteorological winter overall

Just one year ago in Minnesota we shivered through the coldest winter in 35 years. We skidded and shoveled our way through 69.8 inches of snow last winter in the Twin Cities metro area. The rest of the world learned a shiny new weather term, that we meteorologists have been using in geeked-out weather labs for 30 years.

Polar Vortex.

Last winter's Polar Vortex punished Minnesota and the eastern United States with waves seemingly relentless of bitter arctic air. The swirling upper air cold dome broke loose form the pole, delivering multiple icy smacks to the northern United States.

Polar Vortex anim
Weather Underground

Many of you told me you were not looking forward to a repeat performance this winter. It looks like you got your wish.

Yes it's cold out there now. This winter has been respectable by Minnesota standards, but it's no where near last winter's extremes in Minnesota. Tell that to your friends in Boston if they can find their cars.

The end of the three months we call "meteorological winter" (December to February) is now well inside the forecast scope. We have a reasonably good idea how February temperatures and snowfall will turn out given current trends. Here's where we stand this meteorological winter compared to last winter in the Twin Cities.

Temperatures at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport this winter vs. average

  • December +5.1 degrees (25.0 degrees at MSP)

  • January +3.4 degrees (19.0 degrees at MSP)

  • February -4.1 degrees so far (I estimate 13.5 degrees based on trends which is -5.3 degrees vs. average)

  • Overall estimate about +3 degrees vs. average at MSP for meteorological winter 2014-15.

Temperatures this winter compared to last winter

  • 9.7 degrees last winter's average temperature at MSP Airport

  • 19.0 degrees this winter's likely overall temperature (+ or-) at MSP

  • +9.3 degrees warmer this winter vs. last winter (pending final temps through Feb. 28)

Snowfall: Getting off easy

When it comes to snowfall most of Minnesota is getting off way easier than last winter. Yes, this was the year to "pay by the plow" so far in the metro.

  • 24.1-inch season snowfall to date at MSP Airport

  • -14.3 inches vs. average to date

  • 69.8-inch season total snowfall at MSP Airport last winter

Right now the snowfall outlook through the end of February looks light. I still don't see any megastorms headed for Minnesota in the next 11 days. March may put a dent in our snow drought, but that remains to be seen.

It's been a respectable winter season in Minnesota. But nothing like last winter's relentless Polar Vortex onslaught.