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Chilly week favors fast Birkebeiner

It's Birke week.

This week each year thousands of Nordic ski fanatics train their eyes on the tiny towns of Hayward and Cable, Wisconsin. The 42nd American Birkebeiner runs this weekend through Wisconsin's north woods.

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Cable Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce

Last winter brought a deluge of snow. It was almost too much, as heavy snow the day before the race and stiff headwinds slowed conditions. This winter, I'm told snow was trucked into parts of the trail for this year's snow drought. The latest conditions appear to be good, with some light recent snows and cold days to keep the course firm and fast.

Here's the latest trail update.

2.16.2015 (6:30am):  This week we will be off the Birkie Trail race course early in the week until race prep begins mid week with the start areas, powelines, lake etc, then on to the actual race course.   With the cold temps, the course is getting very firm, and once tilled a final time will set up well.  There is some organic debris (leaves, pine-needles etc) from the gusty winds this past weekend. Stay tuned here for grooming updates  Enjoy Birkie Week!

- chris and the groomers

A 4" to 8" base is common in north central Wisconsin. Here's a look at the latest modeled snow depth analysis from NOAA.

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Here's more on this year's Birke conditions from the CapTimes in Madison.

A year ago, cross country skiers in Wisconsin were enjoying one of the best snow seasons in memory.

In fact, there was almost too much snow for the 2014 American Birkebeiner after a late February storm dumped a foot of powder on the course the day before the big race. It made for one of the toughest Birkies ever, as skiers of all abilities struggled through ankle deep snow and a stiff headwind.

But with little consistent snow this winter, skinny ski devotees in southern Wisconsin have had to get creative in advance of North America’s largest cross country ski event, scheduled for Saturday Feb. 21.

Even Birkie officials were fretting a bit before three inches of fresh snow fell in the Hayward area earlier this week. It was their first snowfall of more than two inches since November.

“Conditions should be really good and it’s looking like it’s going to stay cold,” says Ben Popp, executive director of the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation (ABSF).

Popp is expecting a firm and fast course for the Birkie, which has attracted a record 10,500 registrants this year for the various events.

An inbound Clipper brings another snowy dusting Friday, and cold temps Saturday could lead to fast conditions on the Birke course.

Forecast: Arctic doldrums

The rest of the week looks similar to what we've been enduring as the last weeks of winter hang tough in these parts. We add a couple more sub-zero nights this week, and a likely shot of light snow Friday. Temperatures in the single digits and teens and a northwest wind between 5 and 15 mph are likely for the race Saturday.

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Here's a little history on the origin of the Birkebeiner.

Wikipedia Commons

Boston strong -- and snow-covered

Satellite shots from New England these days look like a scene from "The Day After Tomorrow."

Boston is up to #3 on the all-time snowiest winter countdown.

Ice storm south

The next storm rounding up the East Coast mercifully heads out to sea and spares Boston another heavy snow blow this week.

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But the system is leaving a snowy and icy trail through the Tennessee Valley and mid-Atlantic states.

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A swath of ice includes Nashville and much of Tennessee.

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Yes, it could be worse Minnesota. No ice to snap power lines here or 10-foot Boston-style snow drifts to navigate.

At least not yet.