Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Winter strikes back

You knew it would happen again sooner or later. Temperatures in Minnesota take a nosedive the next few days as winter returns to the forecast.

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Northwest winds gust to 45 miles per hour today as colder air pours in from Canada. A family of cold fronts sweeps across Minnesota in the next 48 hours. Today's cold front brings us back to average. This weekend's arctic front delivers a shot of noticeably colder air with sub-zero chills. Arctic high pressure noses south behind the weekend front.

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The overall temp trend is down. February opens with temps running about 15 degrees colder than average across Minnesota. Light snow chances arrive Saturday night and Monday.

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Our snow drought continues with no major snow storms in sight right now for about the next two weeks.

30 days until meteorological spring!

Stay warm Minnesota.